

Hello! My name is En Yi, and I am a media student, coffee addict and self-proclaimed good team player all rolled into one. How, you may ask? Read on to find out.

About Me

I meet plenty of new people in my life, but I'm always happy to see them, and you're no different. Let me introduce myself :)



I enjoy putting together and editing shots to form interesting, meaningful sequences and videos.

What I use:
Premiere Pro, Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Autodesk Sketchbook


I am passionate about creating content that sparks joy.

Topics that interest me:
Slice of life, feminism, body positivity, self-care, overcoming toxicity, healthy relationships/lifestyles


I am interested in creating different, unique visuals that provokes thought or emotions.

What I use:
Photoshop, Illustrator, Autodesk Sketchbook, Canva

My Works

NParks: Botanic Gardens

An infotainment video produced as a collaboration between NParks and Singapore Polytechnic.

SP Tchoukball

My contributions as Social Media Head for my school CCA, Tchoukball.

"I Love Butterflies"

A short documentary on butterfly conservation in Singapore and one woman's story.

"All My Kakis"

A TV show proposed as my final project for Year 1.

Personal Works

A collection of self-initiated works that reflect my interests and my personality.

Youth Zone

Projects I completed under my church's youth programme and camps.

Contact Me

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